From Tension to Teamwork: Conflict Resolution in Animation
Overall conflict tips
Shift from blame to curious
What are the major concerns?
Procedural conflict
The leader must get involved and make the decision for who is doing what which may include redirecting work.
Creative conflict
This is necessary.
Set expectations with the team around how conflict will and won’t be handled
Prevent it from getting personal
Personal conflict
Set expectations
They don’t have to like each other, but they do have to work together with professional courtesy
Tips on managing yourself when dealing with conflict
Get your head on straight.
What is your self-talk?
What are the facts?
What is the story you’ve created around the facts?
How can you get yourself into a state of curiosity?
Tips on managing others through conflict
Ask them to be clear on the facts and the impacts of the facts
Find out the greatest concern each person has.
Contract on a set of “rules of engagement”
If you have a conflict again, how would you like the other person to handle it?