Member Spotlight

Deborah Anderson
Member Spotlight, 3D Modeler, CG Animation Alexia Markopoulos Member Spotlight, 3D Modeler, CG Animation Alexia Markopoulos

Deborah Anderson

Our conversation started early enough for the morning fog to linger in the Los Angeles sky, Deborah Anderson to mentally prepare to teach her class, and my cats to beg for playtime. With our minds fresh, we engaged in a rich virtual conversation, and Deborah really woke me up when she divulged the many places she’s lived, worked and thrived. Spoiler alert: Detroit, Rochester, Seoul, New Orleans and finally Los Angeles.

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Michael Shawn Lewis

Michael Shawn Lewis

The Creators Society’s Member Spotlight this week focuses on Michael Shawn Lewis. Michael, who has worked as director, writer, and producer on hit shows Splash and Bubbles and Word Party, was born in LA, raised in the mountains of Tennessee, and went to college in Florida (his father worked for McDonnell Douglas at the NASA space center), where he got his Bachelor’s in Music, before getting a Master’s degree from the New England Conservatory.

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