Member Spotlight

Max Alley
It was a chilly Sunday night of the last NFL playoff game. Max and I had not watched the game at all and we immediately bonded over that inexperience. When there isn’t a pandemic, Max is more of a baseball guy, Red Sox, to be specific. He’s from Rhode Island, the smallest state in the union but mighty in it’s green and coastal beauty.

Michael Ajayi
Growing up, art wasn't all that important to Michael Ajayi, who now works as a freelance Storyboard Artist and Visual Development Artist in the Los Angeles animation industry. As a kid, art was just a fun hobby—something for him to do. "When you're that young, not everyone is supposed to know what you're going to be doing for the rest of your life," he says. Little did young Ajayi know, he was a diamond in the rough with a rare artistic talent that would soon be pressurized into a fierce passion for drawing and animation.